Firstly, I would like to say a big happy birthday to two great friends from uni, Alice and Haz, hope you both have an amazing day!! It's been a great pleasure knowing you both!
So my weekend? My weekend started on friday!! It was a weekend of reunions, saw friends I hadnt seen for months and even since last summer.
Friday started off at Buckingham palace, it was beautiful to view London on a sunny day. We were blessed with a week of sunshine and it was the perfect time to make the most of it. Im glad I had the opportunity to experience it.

We went to the Science Museum in South Kensington, it brang childhood memories back. When I was younger, we use to go on school trips to the museum. You would of thought the novelty would have worn out by now but it was still so much fun! We also experienced going to space and had water sprayed in our faces.
Some silhouette photographs.
Went out for dinner on saturday with another group of friends. We had thai food, it was really nice however over priced and my belly was not half filled at the end of it. However we did have a cheeky dessert after it, I guess this is what I miss from being in London.
Lastly on Sunday I went to the pub to meet a few friends I used to go school with. Last time I saw them was in February, was absolutely a pleasure to see them all again. You dont notice time flies until you see them and how much you actually miss their presence until you experience it. Having given up alcohol for Lent, I obviously was not allowed to drink but I still had just as much fun as everyone else. On top of that, we played football. Well I just stood around while they played because I was wearing very unpractical sandals! However the sun made up for it.
I am building an interest in photography and obviously with the sun around, I made the most of it with my little digital camera.

Speaking of which, I have been trying to save up money for a SLR. Hoping that one day when I get it, it will be the beginning to the journey for my photography. However being a university student, it is not easy to save money. I have been asked numerous times why I should bother spending so much on a camera when I have a digital camera. Well it is something that only a photographer can understand. There is more depth to a picture than its surface. People who appreciate photography read beyond the picture itself. It is form of art that I wish to pursue in my lifetime.
Thank you for reading.
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