Monday, 30 May 2011
Enough is enough
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Day 7: 30 Day Challenge

Friday, 20 May 2011
Day 6: 30 Day Challenge
Day 5: 30 Day Challenge
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Food Cravings
Monday, 9 May 2011
Day 4: 30 Day Challenge
Thursday, 5 May 2011
I love you guys!!

I hate dust!!!
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Day 3: 30 Day Challenge
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Day 2: 30 Day Challenge
Monday, 2 May 2011
Day 1: 30 Day Challenge
So here is goes-
Hello everyone!! My name is Christine and I am a twenty year old blogger from London. This is actually my second blog, I had one on livejournal when I was roughly 13 till about 17. What I blogged, I have no clue. It makes me cringe when I read the more recent ones on my old blog.
Hopefully this blog will be far more interesting and WELCOME to everyone who reads my blog and I hope you enjoy it! :)
Recent Picture of myself (actually this was taken in feb)
My hair is just a little different now.
Im not a very interesting person to be honest lol.
1 - I study Civil Engineering which I guess is a rare subject for a girl.
2 - I have an obsession with checking my emails even though I know it was only 20 minutes ago I refreshed the page. I can check my emails up to eight times a day. Weird I know.
3 - I use to sleep at 3am as a kid and as a result I love staying up late.
4 - Studied in an all girls secondary school and wasn't at all interested in boys. Was actually too shy to speak to one.
5 - Always took the piss out of my teachers in 6th form, glad I never got into trouble for that.
6 - Almost died when the ceiling fell down.
7 - I cut my beautiful long hair once upon a time and is longingly trying to grow it back.
8 - My parents own a Chinese Takeaway (surprise surprise) and yes it was child labour and I had to break eggs and take orders.
9 - I have trekked the Great of Wall of China (yes I aware I am chinese lol) and Snowdonia in Wales.
10 - I want to trek Killimanjaro one day, even though I may die LOL.
11 - I take ice skating lessons.
12 - I can now finally touch my toes.
13 - I have bad and I mean BAD co-ordination skills.
14 - I get confused with my left and right.
15 - I still want to learn to drive. :)
Well I hope that entertained you and hopefully made you laugh. I hope I have numbered correctly, very common for me to make a mistake!
Thanks for reading!!
Much Love,
Chu xx